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CMC Awarded $600,000 for Localized Workforce Development

California Mobility Center

CALIFORNIA MOBILITY CENTER AWARDED $600,000 FOR LOCALIZED WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT IN HIGH-PAY, HIGH-DEMAND MOBILITY INNOVATION JOBS Additional skills training alliances with higher education institutions and area manufacturers will further advance CMC’s industry-focused workforce development goals

Sacramento, CA – May 26, 2021: The California Mobility Center (CMC) announced today it has been awarded $600,000 by the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) as part of the High Roads Training Partnership (HRTP) grant. CMC will use the funds to provide job readiness and technical training to 224 residents of priority populations, specifically for talent from underserved communities and in the Sacramento region.

“A recent independent study commissioned by the CMC and the Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC) estimates that the CMC and the mobility companies we attract to the region could generate significant economic and jobs benefits for the local economy,” stated Mark Rawson, Chief Operating Officer of the CMC. “Our operations have the potential to directly and indirectly generate roughly 8,500 jobs over the next five years.”

The CMC helps early-stage companies and mobility industry incumbents intelligently navigate the last mile of the innovation process to successfully launch products in California and global markets, providing programming and partnering opportunities and access to vetted services and funding resources. In addition to its full commercial operation, the CMC is also committed to workforce development programs that build skills for high-demand jobs that offer significant wage progression.

“The CMC’s core mission is to enable clean mobility products to reach full commercialization rapidly, and a critical part of that mission is to cultivate a strong talent pipeline that can support growth in the future mobility sector,” said Michael Bell, Workforce Training Coordinator of the CMC and Chief Engineer for the CMC Ramp-up Factory. “The CWBD funding gives our regional workforce an unparalleled opportunity to gain the skills necessary for work in the future mobility industry and is a significant boost to our mission. Having access to a workforce that has the requisite skills needed to power the growth of new mobility solutions through the CMC is absolutely a win-win situation.”

The CWDB grant will be dedicated to worker-focused training that builds skills in one of California’s predominant and fastest growing innovation sectors. The future mobility industry provides a spectrum of job opportunities, from technical roles that require hands-on training to PhD level research—and the CMC provides an extraordinary nexus point that can directly connect industry companies with the skilled and employable workforce it requires. The CMC launched full commercial operations earlier this year and is located in Sacramento, California, a state globally renowned for being a leader in innovation and applied industry education. The duration of the grant is from June 1, 2021 – March 31, 2023.

The CMC has also formed a strategic alliance with the Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Alliance (SVMA) to train the future workforce through apprenticeship programs that foster career progression. Through SVMA’s bespoke advance learning tracks from high school, colleges, universities, and adult-education, this special collaboration with the CMC will align training programs with the requirements of the clean tech mobility industry in a way that guarantees the region’s workforce is at the forefront of the latest industry innovation and ultimately provide a clear pathway into high paying, technical jobs.

“The CWDB grant will boost CMC’s programs with SVMA and the region’s education institutions by providing a full spectrum of training and workforce development offerings needed to fuel the region’s fastest growing new innovation cluster,” said CMC founding member and Sacramento State President Robert Nelsen. “The CMC’s foresight to build alliances with Sacramento State, UC Davis, and also Los Rios Community College District will prove to be the lynchpin for accessing and developing the workforce talent needed to fast-track future mobility innovations.”

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About CMC: The California Mobility Center (CMC) is a public-private partnership led by global thought leaders in clean technology innovation including the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). The CMC aspires to be the leading global innovation and commercialization center for future mobility, strategically located in Sacramento. Its location puts the CMC in close proximity to world-class educational institutions, leaders in clean mobile technology, award winning utilities and to California government that leads the United States and world in producing policies around green mobility and technology.


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